C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
3,344 lines
{| Unit: BseDos
| Version: 1.00
| translated from file BseDos.H
| Original translation: Peter Sawatzki (ps)
| Contributing:
| (fill in)
| change history:
| Date: Ver: Author:
| 11/13/93 1.00 ps original translation by ps
Unit BseDos;
* Module Name: BSEDOS.H
* OS/2 Base Include File
* Copyright
{** General services }
{** DosBeep - Generates sound from speaker }
Function DosBeep (usFrequency, { frequency of sound in Hertz }
usDuration: USHORT): USHORT; { length of sound in milliseconds }
{** Process and Thread support }
{** DosExit - Exit a program
* This call is issued when a thread completes its execution.
* The current thread is ended.
Procedure DosExit (fTerminate, { 0=end current thread, 1=end all }
usExitCode: USHORT); { program completion code }
{ DosExit codes }
{** _PIDINFO structure of the address of the area where the
* ID's will be placed
PIDINFO = Record
pid: PID; { current process' process ID }
tid: TID; { current process' thread ID }
pidParent: PID { process ID of the parent }
pFnThread = Procedure;
{** DosCreateThread - Create another thread of execution
* Creates an asynchronous thread of execution under the
* current process
Function DosCreateThread (pfnFun: PFNTHREAD; { Starting Address for new thread }
pTid: PTID; { Address to put new thread ID }
pbStack: PBYTE): USHORT; { Address of stack for new thread }
{** DosResumeThread - Resume the execution of a thread
* This call restarts the execution of a thread
* previously stopped by a call to DosSuspendThread.
Function DosResumeThread (tid: TID): USHORT; { Thread ID }
{** DosSuspendThread - Suspend the execution of a thread
* This call temporarily suspends a thread's execution
* until a DosResumeThread call is made for that thread ID.
Function DosSuspendThread (tid: TID): USHORT; { Thread ID }
{ Action code values }
{ Wait option values }
{** _RESULTCODES - structure used by DosExecPgm and DosCWait
* First word is Termination code, second word is Exit code.
* For DosExecPgm, first word may instead be the Process ID.
codeTerminate, { Termination Code -or- Process ID }
codeResult: USHORT { Exit Code }
{** DosCwait - Wait for child termination
* Places the current thread in a wait state until a child process
* has terminated, then returns the ending process' process ID and
* termination code.
Function DosCwait (fScope, { Action (execution) codes }
fwait: USHORT; { Wait options }
prescResults: PRESULTCODES; { Address to put return codes }
ppidProcess: PPID; { Address to put process ID }
pidWaitProcess: PID): USHORT; { ProcessID of process to wait for }
{** DosSleep - Delay Process Execution
* Suspends the current thread for a specified time.
Function DosSleep (ulTime: ULONG): USHORT; { interval in milliseconds to delay execution }
{ codeTerminate values }
TC_EXIT = 0;
TC_TRAP = 2;
pFnExitList = Procedure (aShort: USHORT);
{** DosEnterCritSec - Enter critical section of execution
* Disables thread switching for the current process
Function DosEnterCritSec: USHORT;
{** DosExitCritSec - Exit critical section of execution
* Re-enables thread switching for the current process
Function DosExitCritSec: USHORT;
{** DosExitList - Routine list for process termination
* Maintains a list of routines which are to be executed when the
* current process ends, normally or otherwise
Function DosExitList (fFnCode: USHORT; { Function request code }
pfnFunction: PFNEXITLIST): USHORT; { Address of routine to be executed }
{ DosExitList functions }
{** DosExecPgm - Execute a program
* Allows a program to request another program be executed as a
* child process. The requestor's process may optionally continue
* to execute asynchronous to the new program
Function DosExecPgm (pchFailName: PCHAR; { Object name buffer (address) }
cbFailName: SHORT; { Object name buffer length }
fExecFlag: USHORT; { 0=synchronous, 1=asynchronous with }
{ return code discarded, 2=async }
{ with return code saved, 3=trace }
{ 4=asynch detached, 5=loaded but }
{ not executed }
pszArgs, { Address of argument strings }
pszEnv: PSZ; { Address of environment strings }
prescResults: PRESULTCODES; { Address to put return codes }
pszPgmName: PSZ): USHORT; { Address of program filename }
{ DosExecPgm functions }
{** DosGetPID - Return process ID
* Returns the current process's process ID
* and the PID of the process that spawned it
Function DosGetPID (ppidInfo: PPIDINFO): USHORT; { _PIDINFO structure }
{** DosGetPPid - Get a process's parent's PID
* Allows the caller to obtain the parent process ID for any process
Function DosGetPPID (pidChild: USHORT; { process id of process to find the parent pid }
ppidParent: PUSHORT): USHORT; { where pid will be placed }
{** DosGetPrty - Get Process's Priority
* Allows the caller to learn the priority of a process or thread
Function DosGetPrty (usScope: USHORT; { scope the request will have }
pusPriority: PUSHORT; { Address to put priority }
pid: USHORT): USHORT; { PID of process/thread of interest }
{** DosSetPrty - Set Process Priority
* Allows the caller to change the base priority or priority
* class of a child process or a thread in the current process
Function DosSetPrty (usScope, { Indicate scope of change }
fPrtyClass: USHORT; { Priority class to set }
sChange: SHORT; { Priority delta to apply }
id: USHORT): USHORT; { Process or Thread ID of target }
{ Priority scopes }
{ Priority classes }
{ Priority deltas }
{** DosKillProcess - Terminate a Process
* Terminates a child process and returns its termination code
* to its parent
Function DosKillProcess (usScope: USHORT; { 0=kill child processes also, }{ 1=kill only indicated process }
pidProcess: PID): USHORT; { Process ID of process to end }
{** InfoSeg support }
{ Global Info Seg }
time, { time in seconds }
msecs: ULONG; { milliseconds }
hour, { hours }
minutes, { minutes }
seconds, { seconds }
hundredths: UCHAR; { hundredths }
timezone, { minutes from UTC }
cusecTimerInterval: USHORT; { timer interval (units = 0.0001 seconds) }
day, { day }
month: UCHAR; { month }
year: USHORT; { year }
weekday, { day of week }
uchMajorVersion, { major version number }
uchMinorVersion, { minor version number }
chRevisionLetter, { revision letter }
sgCurrent, { current foreground session }
sgMax, { maximum number of sessions }
cHugeShift, { shift count for huge elements }
fProtectModeOnly: UCHAR; { protect mode only indicator }
pidForeground: USHORT; { pid of last process in forground session }
fDynamicSched, { dynamic variation flag }
csecMaxWait: UCHAR; { max wait in seconds }
cmsecMinSlice, { minimum timeslice (milliseconds) }
cmsecMaxSlice, { maximum timeslice (milliseconds) }
bootdrive: USHORT; { drive from which the system was booted }
amecRAS: Array[0..31] Of UCHAR; { system trace major code flag bits }
csgWindowableVioMax, { maximum number of VIO windowable sessions }
csgPMMax: UCHAR { maximum number of pres. services sessions }
{ Local Info Seg }
pidCurrent, { current process id }
pidParent: PID; { process id of parent }
prtyCurrent: USHORT; { priority of current thread }
tidCurrent: TID; { thread ID of current thread }
sgCurrent: USHORT; { session }
rfProcStatus, { process status }
dummy1: UCHAR;
fForeground: BOOL; { current process has keyboard focus }
typeProcess, { process type }
dummy2: UCHAR;
selEnvironment: SEL; { environment selector }
offCmdLine, { command line offset }
cbDataSegment, { length of data segment }
cbStack, { stack size }
cbHeap: USHORT; { heap size }
hmod: HMODULE; { module handle of the application }
selDS: SEL { data segment handle of the application }
{ Process Type codes }
PT_FULLSCREEN = 0; { Full screen app. }
PT_REALMODE = 1; { Real mode process }
PT_WINDOWABLEVIO = 2; { VIO windowable app. }
PT_PM = 3; { Presentation Manager app. }
PT_DETACHED = 4; { Detached app. }
{ Process Status Flag definitions
PS_EXITLIST = 1; { Thread is in exitlist routine }
{** DosGetInfoSeg - Get address of system variables segment
* Returns the address of a global and process local data segment used to
* determine the value of several items of general information.
Function DosGetInfoSeg (pselGlobal, { global segment selector (returned) }
pselLocal: PSEL): USHORT; { local segment selector (returned) }
{ Helper macros used to convert selector to PINFOSEG or LINFOSEG }
* CCHMAXPATH is the maximum fully qualified path name length including
* the drive letter, colon, backslashes and terminating NULL.
* CCHMAXPATHCOMP is the maximum individual path component name length
* including a terminating NULL.
{** File manager }
{ DosChgFilePtr
FILE_BEGIN = $0000; { Move relative to beginning of file }
FILE_CURRENT = $0001; { Move relative to current fptr position }
FILE_END = $0002; { Move relative to end of file }
{ DosFindFirst/Next Directory handle types }
HDIR_SYSTEM = $0001; { Use system handle (1) }
HDIR_CREATE = $FFFF; { Allocate a new, unused handle }
{ DosCopy control bits; may be or'ed together }
DCPY_EXISTING = $00001; { Copy even if target exists }
DCPY_APPEND = $00002; { Append to existing file, }
{ do not replace }
{ Dosopen/DosQFHandState/DosQueryFileInfo et al file attributes; also }
{ known as Dso File Mode bits... }
FILE_NORMAL = $0000;
FILE_HIDDEN = $0002;
FILE_SYSTEM = $0004;
{ DosOpen
{ DosOpen
FILE_OPEN = $0001;
FILE_CREATE = $0010;
{ this nibble applies if file already exists xxxx }
OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_EXISTS = $0000; { ---- ---- ---- 0000 }
OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS = $0001; { ---- ---- ---- 0001 }
OPEN_ACTION_REPLACE_IF_EXISTS = $0002; { ---- ---- ---- 0010 }
{ this nibble applies if file does not exist xxxx }
OPEN_ACTION_FAIL_IF_NEW = $0000; { ---- ---- 0000 ---- }
OPEN_ACTION_CREATE_IF_NEW = $0010; { ---- ---- 0001 ---- }
{ DosOpen/DosSetFHandState flags }
OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY = $0000; { ---- ---- ---- -000 }
OPEN_ACCESS_WRITEONLY = $0001; { ---- ---- ---- -001 }
OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE = $0002; { ---- ---- ---- -010 }
OPEN_SHARE_DENYREADWRITE = $0010; { ---- ---- -001 ---- }
OPEN_SHARE_DENYWRITE = $0020; { ---- ---- -010 ---- }
OPEN_SHARE_DENYREAD = $0030; { ---- ---- -011 ---- }
OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE = $0040; { ---- ---- -100 ---- }
OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT = $0080; { ---- ---- 1--- ---- }
OPEN_FLAGS_NO_LOCALITY = $0000; { ---- -000 ---- ---- }
OPEN_FLAGS_SEQUENTIAL = $0100; { ---- -001 ---- ---- }
OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOM = $0200; { ---- -010 ---- ---- }
OPEN_FLAGS_RANDOMSEQUENTIAL = $0300; { ---- -011 ---- ---- }
OPEN_FLAGS_NO_CACHE = $1000; { ---1 ---- ---- ---- }
OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR = $2000; { --1- ---- ---- ---- }
OPEN_FLAGS_WRITE_THROUGH = $4000; { -1-- ---- ---- ---- }
OPEN_FLAGS_DASD = $8000; { 1--- ---- ---- ---- }
{ DosSearchPath
SEARCH_PATH = $0000;
{ File IO command words }
FIO_LOCK = 0; { Lock Files }
FIO_UNLOCK = 1; { Unlock Files }
FIO_SEEK = 2; { Seek (set file ptr) }
FIO_READ = 3; { File Read }
FIO_WRITE = 4; { File Write }
{ Lock Sharing Modes }
FIO_NOSHARE = 0; { None }
FIO_SHAREREAD = 1; { Read-Only }
FIOLOCKCMD = Record { FLC FileLockCmd prefix }
usCmd, { Cmd = FIO_LOCK }
cLockCnt: USHORT; { Lock records that follow }
cTimeOut: ULONG { in Msec }
FIOLOCKREC = Record { FLR FileLockRecord }
cbStart, { Starting offset for lock region }
cbLength: ULONG { Length of lock region }
FIOUNLOCKCMD = Record { FUC FileUnlockCmd prefix }
usCmd, { Cmd = FIO_UNLOCK }
cUnlockCnt: USHORT { Unlock records that follow }
FIOUNLOCKREC = Record { FUR FileUnlockRecord }
cbStart, { Starting offset for unlock region }
cbLength: ULONG { Length of unlock region }
FIOSEEKCMD = Record { Seek command structure }
usCmd, { Cmd = FIO_SEEK }
cbDistance, { Byte offset for seek }
cbNewPosition: ULONG { Bytes from start of file after }{ seek }
FIOREADWRITE = Record { RWC Read&Write command structure }
usCmd: USHORT; { Cmd = FIO_READ or FIO_WRITE }
pbBuffer: PVOID; { Pointer to data buffer }
cbBufferLen, { Bytes in buffer or max size }
cbActualLen: USHORT { Bytes actually read/written }
EA Info Levels & Find First/Next
API's: DosFindFirst, DosQueryFileInfo, DosQueryPathInfo, DosSetFileInfo,
{ File info levels: All listed API's }
FIL_STANDARD = 1; { Info level 1, standard file info }
FIL_QUERYEASIZE = 2; { Level 2, return Full EA size }
FIL_QUERYEASFROMLIST = 3; { Level 3, return requested EA's }
{ File info levels: Dos...PathInfo only }
FIL_QUERYFULLNAME = 5; { Level 5, return fully qualified }
{ name of file }
FIL_NAMEISVALID = 6; { Level 6, check validity of file/path
name for this FSD }
{ DosFindNotifyFirst
FNOTIL_STANDARD = 1; { Find-Notify Info level 1: Return
standard directory change info }
{ DosFsAttach
{ Attact or detach }
FSATTACH = 0; { Attach file server }
FSDETACH = 1; { Detach file server }
{ DosFsCtl
{ Routing type }
FSCTL_HANDLE = 1; { File Handle directs req routing }
FSCTL_PATHNAME = 2; { Path Name directs req routing }
FSCTL_FSDNAME = 3; { FSD Name directs req routing }
{ DosQueryFSAttach
{ Information level types
FSAIL_QUERYNAME = 1; { Return data for a Drive or Device }
FSAIL_DEVNUMBER = 2; { Return data for Ordinal Device # }
FSAIL_DRVNUMBER = 3; { Return data for Ordinal Drive # }
{ Item types
FSAT_CHARDEV = 1; { Resident character device }
FSAT_PSEUDODEV = 2; { Pusedu-character device }
FSAT_LOCALDRV = 3; { Local drive }
FSAT_REMOTEDRV = 4; { Remote drive attached to FSD }
FSQBUFFER = Record { Data structure for QFSAttach }
iType, { Item type }
cbName: USHORT; { Length of item name, sans NULL }
szName: Array[0..0] Of UCHAR; { ASCIIZ item name }
cbFSDName: USHORT; { Length of FSD name, sans NULL }
szFSDName: Array[0..0] Of UCHAR; { ASCIIZ FSD name }
cbFSAData: USHORT; { Length of FSD Attach data returned }
rgFSAData: Array[0..0] Of UCHAR { FSD Attach data from FSD }
File System Drive Information&gml DosQueryFSInfo DosSetFSInfo
{ FS Drive Info Levels }
FSIL_ALLOC = 1; { Drive allocation info (Query only) }
FSIL_VOLSER = 2; { Drive Volum/Serial info }
{ DosQueryFHType }
{ Handle classes }
FHT_DISKFILE = $0000; { Disk file handle }
FHT_CHRDEV = $0001; { Character device handle }
FHT_PIPE = $0002; { Pipe handle }
{ Handle bits }
FHB_DSKREMOTE = $8000; { Remote disk }
FHB_CHRDEVREMOTE = $8000; { Remote character device }
FHB_PIPEREMOTE = $8000; { Remote pipe }
{ File time and date types }
FTIME = Word;
{[0..4]: twosecs;
[5..10]: minutes;
[11..15]: hours; }
FDATE = Word;
{[0..4]: day;
[5..8]: month;
[9..15]: year; }
FILEFINDBUF = Record { findbuf }
fdateCreation: FDATE;
ftimeCreation: FTIME;
fdateLastAccess: FDATE;
ftimeLastAccess: FTIME;
fdateLastWrite: FDATE;
ftimeLastWrite: FTIME;
cbFileAlloc: ULONG;
attrFile: USHORT;
cchName: UCHAR;
achName: Array[0..CCHMAXPATHCOMP-1] Of Char
FILEFINDBUF2 = Record { findbuf2 }
fdateCreation: FDATE;
ftimeCreation: FTIME;
fdateLastAccess: FDATE;
ftimeLastAccess: FTIME;
fdateLastWrite: FDATE;
ftimeLastWrite: FTIME;
cbFileAlloc: ULONG;
attrFile: USHORT;
cbList: ULONG;
cchName: UCHAR;
achName: Array[0..CCHMAXPATHCOMP-1] Of Char
{ extended attribute structures }
GEA = Record { gea }
cbName: BYTE; { name length not including NULL }
szName: Array[0..0] Of Char { attribute name }
pGEA = ^GEA;
GEALIST = Record { geal }
cbList: ULONG; { total bytes of structure including full list }
list: Array[0..0] Of GEA { variable length GEA structures }
FEA = Record { fea }
fea, { flags }
cbName: BYTE; { name length not including NULL }
cbValue: USHORT { value length }
pFEA = ^FEA;
{ flags for _FEA.fEA }
FEA_NEEDEA = $80; { need EA bit }
FEALIST = Record { feal }
cbList: ULONG; { total bytes of structure including full list }
list: Array[0..0] Of FEA { variable length FEA structures }
EAOP = Record { eaop }
fpGEAList: PGEALIST; { general EA list }
fpFEAList: PFEALIST; { full EA list }
oError: ULONG
* Equates for the types of EAs that follow the convention that we have
* established.
* Values 0xFFFE thru 0x8000 are reserved.
* Values 0x0000 thru 0x7fff are user definable.
EAT_BINARY = $FFFE; { length preceeded binary }
EAT_ASCII = $FFFD; { length preceeded ASCII }
EAT_BITMAP = $FFFB; { length preceeded bitmap }
EAT_METAFILE = $FFFA; { length preceeded metafile }
EAT_ICON = $FFF9; { length preceeded icon }
EAT_EA = $FFEE; { length preceeded ASCII ext. attr. }
{ name of associated data
EAT_MVMT = $FFDF; { multi-valued, multi-typed field }
EAT_MVST = $FFDE; { multi-valued, single-typed field }
EAT_ASN1 = $FFDD; { ASN.1 field }
{** DosOpen - Open file
* Creates or opens a specified file.
Function DosOpen (pszFname: PSZ; { path name of file to be opened }
phfOpen: PHFILE; { file handle (returned ) }
pusAction: PUSHORT; { action taken (returned) }
ulFSize: ULONG; { file's new size }
usAttr, { file attribute }
fsOpenFlags, { action take if file exists }
fsOpenMode: USHORT; { open mode }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosOpen2 - Open a File
* Creates the specified file
* Supports Extended Attributes
Function DosOpen2 (pszFname: PSZ; { File path name }
phfOpen: PHFILE; { New file's handle }
pusAction: PUSHORT; { Action taken - 1=file existed, }{ 2=file was created }
ulFSize: ULONG; { File primary allocation }
usAttr, { File attributes }
usOpenFlags: USHORT; { Open function type }
usOpenMode: ULONG; { Open mode of the file }
pvEABuf: PEAOP; { EA structure pointer }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved (must be zero) }
{** DosClose - Close file handle
* Closes a specific file handle.
Function DosClose (hf: HFILE): USHORT; { file handle }
{** DosRead - Read from file
* Reads the specified number of bytes from a file or device to a buffer
* location.
Function DosRead (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
pBuf: PVOID; { input buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { number of bytes to be read }
pcbBytesRead: PUSHORT): USHORT; { number of bytes read (returned) }
{** DosWrite - Synchronous Write to file
* Transfers the specified number of bytes from a buffer to the specified
* file, synchronously with respect to the requesting process's execution.
Function DosWrite (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
pBuf: PVOID; { output buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { number of bytes to be written }
pcbBytesWritten: PUSHORT): USHORT; { number of bytes written (returned) }
{** DosShutdown - File System Shutdown
Function DosShutdown (ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved }
{** FileStatus - structure of information list used by DosQFileInfo }
FILESTATUS = Record { fsts }
fdateCreation: FDATE; { date of file creation }
ftimeCreation: FTIME; { time of file creation }
fdateLastAccess: FDATE; { date of last access }
ftimeLastAccess: FTIME; { time of last access }
fdateLastWrite: FDATE; { date of last write }
ftimeLastWrite: FTIME; { time of last write }
cbFile, { file size (end of data) }
cbFileAlloc: ULONG; { file allocated size }
attrFile: USHORT { attributes of the file }
FILESTATUS2 = Record { fsts2 }
fdateCreation: FDATE;
ftimeCreation: FTIME;
fdateLastAccess: FDATE;
ftimeLastAccess: FTIME;
fdateLastWrite: FDATE;
ftimeLastWrite: FTIME;
cbFileAlloc: ULONG;
attrFile: USHORT;
cbList: ULONG
{** FSAllocate - structure of file system allocation }
idFileSystem, { file system ID }
cSectorUnit, { number sectors per allocation unit }
cUnit, { number of allocation units }
cUnitAvail: ULONG; { avalaible allocation units }
cbSector: USHORT { bytes per sector }
VOLUMELABEL = Record { vol }
cch: BYTE;
szVolLabel: Array[0..11] Of Char
FSINFO = Record { fsinf }
fdateCreation: FDATE;
ftimeCreation: FTIME;
{ HANDTYPE values }
FILELOCK = Record { flock }
lRange: LongInt
HDIR = SHANDLE; { hdir }
{** DosDelete - Delete file
* Removes a directory entry associated with a filename.
Function DosDelete (pszFName: PSZ; { name of file to be deleted }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosDupHandle - Duplicate file handle
* Returns a new file handle for an open file that refers to the same file
* at the same position.
Function DosDupHandle (hfOld: HFILE; { current file handle }
phfNew: PHFILE): USHORT; { new file handle (returned) }
{** DosQFHandState - Query file handle state
* Queries the state of the specified file.
Function DosQFHandState (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
pfsOpenMode: PUSHORT): USHORT; { file handle state (returned) }
{** DosSetFHandState - Set file handle state
* Sets the state of the specified file.
Function DosSetFHandState (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
fsState: USHORT): USHORT; { file handle state }
{** DosQHandType - Query handle type
* Determines whether a handle references a file or a device.
Function DosQHandType (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
pfsType, { handle type (returned) }
pusDevAttr: PUSHORT): USHORT; { device driver attribute (returned) }
{** DosReadAsync - Asynchronous read from file
* Transfers the specified number of bytes from a file to a buffer,
* asynchronously with the requesting process execution.
Function DosReadAsync (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
hsemRam: PULONG; { ram semaphore }{ (signals end of read operation) }
pusErrCode: PUSHORT; { return code (returned) }
pBuf: PVOID; { input buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { number of bytes to be read }
pcbBytesRead: PUSHORT): USHORT; { number of bytes read (returned) }
{** DosWriteAsync - Asynchronous write to file
* Transers the specified number of bytes to a file from a buffer
* asynchronously with respect to the requesting process's execution.
Function DosWriteAsync (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
hsemRam: PULONG; { ram semaphore }{ (indicates end of write operation) }
pusErrCode: PUSHORT; { return code (returned) }
pBuf: PVOID; { output buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { number of bytes to be written }
pcbBytesWritten: PUSHORT): USHORT; { number of bytes written (returned) }
{** DosFindFirst - Find first matching file
* Finds the first set of filenames that match a given file specification.
Function DosFindFirst (pszFSpec: PSZ; { path name of files to be found }
phdir: PHDIR; { directory handle }
usAttr: USHORT; { attribute used to search for the files }
pffb: PFILEFINDBUF; { result buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { length of result buffer }
pcSearch: PUSHORT; { number of matching entries in result buffer }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosFindFirst2 - Find First Matching File, version 2
* Finds the first filename that matches the specified file
* specification
* Supports FileInfoLevel
Function DosFindFirst2 (pszFSpec: PSZ; { File path name }
phdir: PHDIR; { Directory search handle }
usAttr: USHORT; { Search attribute }
pBuf: PVOID; { Result buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { Result buffer length }
pcSearch: PUSHORT; { Number of entries to find }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { Request level }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosFindNext - Find next matching file
* Locates the next set of directory entries that match the name specified
* in the previous DosFindFirst or DosFindNext call.
Function DosFindNext (hdir: HDIR; { directory handle }
pffb: PFILEFINDBUF; { result buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { length of result buffer }
pcSearch: PUSHORT): USHORT; { number of entries to find }
{** DosFindClose - Close find handle
* Closes the association between a directory handle and a DosFindFirst or
* DosFindNext directory search function.
Function DosFindClose (hdir: HDIR): USHORT; { directory handle }
{** DosFindNotifyFirst - Start Monitoring a Directory for Change
* Waits for changes
* to take place against the specified path. The number of changes
* is specified in the change count parameter.
Function DosFindNotifyFirst (pszPath: PSZ; { Path spec }
hdir: PHDIR; { Directory search handle }
usAttr: USHORT; { Search attribute }
pBuf: PBYTE; { Result buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { Result buffer length }
pcChg: PUSHORT; { Number of changes required }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { Request level }
ulTimeOut, { Timeout or Duration of call }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosFindNotifyNext - Return Directory Change Information
* Waits for changes
* to take place against the specified DirHandle. The number of changes
* is specified in the change count parameter.
Function DosFindNotifyNext (hdir: HDIR; { Directory handle }
pBuf: PVOID; { Result buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { Result buffer length }
pcChg: PUSHORT; { Number of required }
ulTimeOut: ULONG): USHORT; { Timeout or Duration of call }
{** DosFindNotifyClose - Close FindNotify Handle
* Closes the association between a directory handle and a
* osFindNotifyFirst or DosFindNotifyNext function
Function DosFindNotifyClose (hdir: HDIR): USHORT; { Directory watch handle }
{** DosFsAttach - Creates and Detroys FSD Connections
* Attaches or detaches drive from a remote FSD or a psuedo-character
* device name to/from a local or remote FSD
Function DosFSAttach (pszDevName, { device name }
pszFSD: PSZ; { FSD name }
pData: PBYTE; { data buffer }
cbData, { data buffer length }
fsOp: USHORT; { open flag }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved }
{** DosQFsAttach - Query Attached FSD Information
* Query information about an attached remote file system or about
* a character device or about a psuedo-character device attacted
* to a local or remote FSD
Function DosQFSAttach (pszDev: PSZ; { device name }
usOrdinal, { ordinal }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { FSAinfolevel }
pFSAttBuf: PBYTE; { Data buffer }
cbBuf: PUSHORT; { Data buffer length }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved }
{** DosFSCtl - File System Control
* Allow an extended standard interface between an application
* and an FSD
Function DosFSCtl (pDate: PBYTE; { Data area }
cbData: USHORT; { Data length maximum }
pcbData: PUSHORT; { Data length }
pParms: PBYTE; { Parameter list }
cbParms: USHORT; { Parameter length max }
pcbParms: PUSHORT; { Parameter length }
usFunCode: USHORT; { Function code }
pszRoute: PSZ; { Route name }
hf: HFILE; { File handle }
usRouteMethod: USHORT; { Route method }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved }
{** DosNewSize - Change file size
* Changes the size of a file.
Function DosNewSize (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
ulNewSize: ULONG): USHORT; { file's new size }
{** DosBufReset - Commit File's cache buffers
* Flushes a requesting process's cache buffers for a specific file handle.
Function DosBufReset (hf: HFILE): USHORT; { file handle }
{** DosChgFilePtr - Change
* moves the read/write pointer in accordance with the method specified.
Function DosChgFilePtr (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
lOffset: LongInt; { distance to move in bytes }
fsMethod: USHORT; { method of moving }
pulNewOffset: PULONG): USHORT; { new pointer location (returned) }
{** DosFileLocks - File lock manager
* Locks and unlocks a range in an opened file
Function DosFileLocks (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
pUnlock, { range to be unlocked }
pLock: PLONG): USHORT; { range to be locked }
{** DosMove - Move a file
* moves a specified file.
Function DosMove (pszOld, { old path name }
pszNew: PSZ; { new path name }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosCopy - Copy file
* copies file
Function DosCopy (pszSrc, { old path name }
pszDst: PSZ; { new path name }
usOpt: USHORT; { operation mode }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosEditName - Transform source string using editing string
* Transform a source string into a destination string using an
* editing string and OS/2 meta editing semantics.
Function DosEditName (usEditLevel: USHORT; { Level of meta editing semantics }
pszSrc, { String to transform }
pszEdit: PSZ; { Editing string }
pszDst: PBYTE; { Destination string buffer }
cbDst: USHORT): USHORT; { Destination string buffer length }
{** DosFileIO - Multiple Lock, Unlock, Seek, Read and Write I/O.
* Combines the above File I/O operations into a single API providing
* improved performance.
Function DosFileIO (hf: HFILE; { File handle }
pbCmd: PBYTE; { Pointer to command list buffer }
cbCmd: USHORT; { Command list length }
pulErr: PLONG): USHORT; { Pointer to error offset }
{** DosMkDir - make subdirectory
* Creates a specified directory
Function DosMkDir (pszDirName: PSZ; { new directory name }
usReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosMkdir2 - Make Subdirectory
* Creates the specified directory
Function DosMkDir2 (pszDir: PSZ; { New directory name }
pBuf: PEAOP; { EA structure pointer }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosRmDir - Remove subdirectory
* Removes a subdirectory from the specified disk.
Function DosRmDir (pszDir: PSZ; { directory name }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosSelectDisk - Select default drive
* Selects the drive specified as the default drive for the calling
* process.
Function DosSelectDisk (usDrvNum: USHORT): USHORT; { new default drive number }
{** DosQCurDisk - Query current disk
* Determines the current default drive for the requesting process.
Function DosQCurDisk (pusDrvNum: PUSHORT; { default drive number (returned) }
pulLogDrvMap: PULONG): USHORT; { bit map of logical drives (returned)}
{** DosChDir - Change current directory
* Defines the current directory for the requesting process.
Function DosChDir (pszDir: PSZ; { directory path name }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosQCurDir - Query current directory
* Gets the full path name of the current directory for the requesting
* process for the specified drive.
Function DosQCurDir (usDrvNum: USHORT; { drive number }
pszPathBuf: PBYTE; { directory path name (returned) }
pcbPathBuf: PUSHORT): USHORT; { length of directory path buffer }
{** DosQFSInfo - Query file system information
* Queries information from a file system device.
Function DosQFSInfo (usDrvNum, { logical drive number }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { level of file information required }
pbInfo: PBYTE; { storage area for information returned }
cbInfo: USHORT): USHORT; { length of storage area }
{** DosSetFSInfo - Set file system information
* Sets information for a file system device.
Function DosSetFSInfo (usDrvNum, { drive number }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { level of file information to be set }
pBuf: PBYTE; { storage area for new file system information }
cbBuf: USHORT): USHORT; { length of storage area }
{** DosQVerify - Query verify setting
* Returns the value of the verify flag.
Function DosQVerify (pfVerifyOn: PUSHORT): USHORT; { current verify mode (returned) }
{** DosSetVerify - Set/reset verify switch
* Sets the verify switch.
Function DosSetVerify (fVerify: USHORT): USHORT; { new verify mode }
{** DosSetMaxFH - Set maximum file handles
* Defines the maximum number of file handles for the current process.
Function DosSetMaxFH (usHandles: USHORT): USHORT; { number of file handles to be provided }
{** DosQFileInfo - Query file information
* Returns information for a specific file.
Function DosQFileInfo (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { level of file information required }
pInfoBuf: PBYTE; { storage area for returned information }
cbInfoBuf: USHORT): USHORT; { length of storage area }
{** DosSetFileInfo - Set file information
* Specifies information for a file
Function DosSetFileInfo (hf: HFILE; { file handle }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { level of file information being set }
pInfoBuf: PBYTE; { storage area for file information }
cbInfoBuf: USHORT): USHORT; { length of storage area }
{** DosQPathInfo - Query a Path's Information
* Returns information for a specific file or directory
Function DosQPathInfo (pszPath: PSZ; { Path string }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { Path data required }
pInfoBuf: PBYTE; { Path data buffer }
cbInfoBuf: USHORT; { Path data buffer size }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved (must be zero) }
{** DosSetPathInfo - Set a Path's Information
* Specifies information for a file or directory
Function DosSetPathInfo (pszPath: PSZ; { Path string }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { Path info data required }
pInfoBuf: PBYTE; { Path info buffer }
cbInfoBuf, { Path info buffer size }
usFlags: USHORT; { Path info flags }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved (must be zero) }
{** DosQFileMode - Query file mode
* Queries the mode
Function DosQFileMode (pszFname: PSZ; { file path name }
pusAttr: PUSHORT; { current file attribute (returned) }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosSetFileMode - Set file mode
* Changes the mode
Function DosSetFileMode (pszFName: PSZ; { file path name }
usAttr: USHORT; { new attribute of file }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosEnumAttribute - Enumerate a file or directory's extended attributes
* Enumerates information for a specific file or subdirectory
Function DosEnumAttribute (Par1: USHORT; { RefType - indicates handle or path }
Par2: PVOID; { Pointer to file handle or path }
Par3: ULONG; { Starting entry in EA list }
Par4: PVOID; { Data buffer }
Par5: ULONG; { Data buffer size }
Var Par6: ULONG; { Number of entries to return }
Par7: ULONG; { Info level }
Par8: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved (must be zero) }
DENA1 = Record { level 1 info returned from DosEnumAttribute }
reserved, { 0 }
cbName: UCHAR; { length of name exculding NULL }
cbValue: USHORT; { length of value }
szName: Array[0..0] Of UCHAR { variable length asciiz name }
pDENA1 = ^DENA1;
{** Memory management }
{** DosAllocSeg - Allocate segment
* Allocates a segment of memory to a requesting process.
Function DosAllocSeg (cbSize: USHORT; { number of bytes requested }
pSel: PSEL; { sector allocated (returned) }
fsAlloc: USHORT): USHORT; { sharing attributes of the allocated segment }
{** DosReallocSeg - Change segment size
* Changes the size of a segment already allocated.
Function DosReallocSeg (cbNewSize: USHORT; { new size requested in bytes }
sel: SEL): USHORT; { selector of the segment to be resized }
{** DosFreeSeg - Free segment
* Deallocates a memory segment.
Function DosFreeSeg (sel: SEL): USHORT; { selector of the segment to be freed }
{** DosGivSeg - Give access to segment
* Gives another process access to a shared memory segment.
Function DosGiveSeg (sel: SEL; { segment selector of the memory }{ segment to be shared }
pid: PID; { process ID of recipient }
pSelRecipient: PSEL): USHORT; { recipients segment selector }
{** DosGetSeg - Access segment
* Gets access to a shared memory segment.
Function DosGetSeg (sel: SEL): USHORT; { selector to access }
{** DosSizeSeg - Get size of a segment. }
Function DosSizeSeg (sel: SEL; { segment selector of which size }{ is to be found }
pcbSize: PULONG): USHORT; { size in bytes (returned) }
{ Segment attribute flags
{** DosAllocHuge - Allocate huge memory
* Allocates multiple segments of memory.
Function DosAllocHuge (cSegs, { number of 64k segments }
cbPartialSeg: USHORT; { number of bytes in last non-64k segment }
psel: PSEL; { selector allocated (returned) }
cMaxSegs, { max number of 64k segments }
fsAlloc: USHORT): USHORT; { sharing attributes of the allocated segment }
{** DosReallocHuge - Change huge memory size
* Changes the size of memory originally allocated by DosAllocHuge.
Function DosReallocHuge (cSegs, { number of 64k segments requested }
cbPartialSeg: USHORT; { number of bytes in last non-64k segment }
sel: SEL): USHORT; { selector }
{** DosGetHugeShift - Get shift count
* Returns a shift count used to derive the selectors that address memory
* allocated with DosAllocHuge.
Function DosGetHugeShift (pusShiftCount: PUSHORT): USHORT; { shift count (returned) }
{** DosAllocShrSeg - Allocate shared segment
* Allocates a shared memory segment to a process.
Function DosAllocShrSeg (cbSeg: USHORT; { number of bytes requested }
pszSegName: PSZ; { symbolic name associated with shared memory }
psel: PSEL): USHORT; { selector of allocated segment (returned) }
{** DosLockSeg - Lock segment in memory
* Locks a discardable segment in memory.
Function DosLockSeg (sel: SEL): USHORT; { selector of segment to be locked }
{** DosUnlockSeg - Unlock segment
* Unlocks a discardable segment.
Function DosUnlockSeg (sel: SEL): USHORT; { selector of segment to be unlocked }
{** DosGetShrSeg - Access shared segment
* Accesses a shared memory segment previously allocated by another
* process.
Function DosGetShrSeg (pszSegName: PSZ; { name string associated with the }{ shared memory segment }
psel: PSEL): USHORT; { selector of shared memory segment }
{** DosMemAvail - Get size of largest free memory block
* Returns the size of the largest block of free memory.
Function DosMemAvail (pcbFree: PULONG): USHORT; { size of largest free block (returned) }
{** DosCreateCSAlias - Create CS alias
* Creates a code segment alias descriptor for a data segment passed as
* input.
Function DosCreateCSAlias (selDs: SEL; { data segment selector }
pselCS: PSEL): USHORT; { selector of code segment allias }
{ descriptor
{** DosSubAlloc - Suballocate memory within segment
* Allocates memory from a segment previously allocated by DosAllocSeg or
* DosAllocShrSeg and initialized by DosSubSet.
Function DosSubAlloc (sel: SEL; { segment selector from which memory }{ is to be allocated }
ousOffset: PUSHORT; { offset to the block allocated (returned) }
cb: USHORT): USHORT; { size of memory block requested in bytes }
{** DosSubFree - Free memory suballocated within segment
* Frees memory previously allocated by DosSubAlloc.
Function DosSubFree (sel: SEL; { segment selector from which }{ memory is to be freed }
offBlock, { offset of memory block to free }
cb: USHORT): USHORT; { size of the block to be freed in bytes }
{** DosSubSet - Initialize or set allocated memory
* Used to initialize a segment for suballocation or to increase the size
* a previously initialized, suballocated segment.
Function DosSubSet (sel: SEL; { selector of the target data segment }
fFlags, { 0=increasing size of a segment }{ 1=initializing a segment }
cbNew: USHORT): USHORT; { size of the segment in bytes }
{** Semaphore support }
{** DosSemClear - Clear
* Unconditionally clears a semaphore. If any threads were blocked on the
* semaphore, they are restarted.
Function DosSemClear (hsem: HSEM): USHORT; { semaphore handle }
{** DosSemSet - Set Semaphore Owned
* Unconditionally sets a seaphore.
Function DosSemSet (hsem: HSEM): USHORT; { semaphore handle }
{** DosSemWait - Wait for semaphore to clear
* Blocks the current thread until an indicated semaphore clears, but does
* not establish ownership of this semaphore.
Function DosSemWait (hsem: HSEM; { semaphore handle }
lTimeOut: LongInt): USHORT; { timeout (in milliseconds) }
{** DosSemSetWait - Set semaphore and wait for next clear
* Blocks the current thread until the next DosSemClear is issued. However,
* DosSemSetWait does not establish ownership of this semaphore.
Function DosSemSetWait (hsem: HSEM; { semaphore handle }
lTimeOut: LongInt): USHORT; { timeout (in milliseconds) }
{** DosSemRequest - Request semaphore
* Obtains a semaphore. If the semaphore is already owned, the requesting
* thread is placed in a wait state until the semaphore is released or
* until a time out occures.
Function DosSemRequest (hsem: HSEM; { semaphore handle }
lTimeOut: LongInt): USHORT; { timeout (in milliseconds) }
{** DosCreateSem - Create system semaphore
* Creates a system semaphore used by semaphore manipulation calls such as
* DosSemRequest, DosSemClear, DosSemSet, DosSemSetWait, DosSemWait, and
* DosMuxSemWait.
Function DosCreateSem (fExclusive: USHORT; { indicate no exclusive ownership }
phsem: PHSYSSEM; { semaphore handle (returned) }
pszSemName: PSZ): USHORT; { semaphore name string }
{** DosOpenSem - Open existing system semaphore
* Opens a system semaphore.
Function DosOpenSem (phsem: PHSEM; { semaphore handle (returned) }
pszSemName: PSZ): USHORT; { semaphore name string }
{** DosCloseSem - Close system semaphore
* Closes a specific system semaphore.
Function DosCloseSem (hsem: HSEM): USHORT; { semaphore handle }
MUXSEM = Record
zero: USHORT; { zero }
hsem: HSEM { semaphore handle }
cmxs: USHORT; { count of MUXSEM structures }
amxs: Array[0..15] Of MUXSEM { array of MUXSEM structures }
* Since a MUXSEMLIST structure is actually a variable length
* structure, the following macro may be used to define a MUXSEMLIST
* structure having size elements, named "name".
#define DEFINEMUXSEMLIST(name, size) \
struct { \
USHORT cmxs; \
MUXSEM amxs[size]; \
} name;
* This function actually takes a far pointer to a MUXSEMLIST structure
* as its second parameter, but in order to allow its use with the
* DEFINEMUXSEMLIST macro, it is declared here as PVOID.
{** DosMuxSemWait - Wait for one of n semaphores to clear
* Blocks a current thread until one of the specefied semaphores clear.
Function DosMuxSemWait (pisemCleared: PUSHORT; { index number of event (returned) }
pmsxl: PVOID; { semaphore list }
lTimeOut: LongInt): USHORT; { timeout (in milliseconds) }
{** Fast safe ram semaphores }
cb: USHORT; { length of this structure (bytes) }
pid: PID; { Process ID of the owner or zero }
tid: TID; { Thread ID of the owner or zero }
cUsage, { Reference count }
client: USHORT; { 16 bit field for use by owner }
sem: ULONG { OS/2 Ram Semaphore }
{** DosFSRamSemRequest - Safe ram semaphore request
* Obtains a ram seaphore and records the current owner for potential
* cleanup by a dos exit list routine.
Function DosFSRamSemRequest (pdosfsrs: PDOSFSRSEM; { Address of the fast-safe }{ RamSemaphore data structure }
lTimeOut: LongInt): USHORT; { timeout, in milliseconds }
{** DosFSRamSemClear - Clear (release) a fast-safe ram semaphore}
Function DosFSRamSemClear(pdosfsrs: pDOSFSRSEM): USHORT; {Address of the fast-safe}
{RamSemaphore data structure}
{** Time support }
hours, { current hour }
minutes, { current minute }
seconds, { current second }
hundredths, { current hundredths of a second }
day, { current day }
month: UCHAR; { current month }
year: USHORT; { current year }
timezone: SHORT; { minutes of time west of GMT }
weekday: UCHAR { current day of week }
{** DosGetDateTime - Get current date and time
* Gets the current date and time maintained by the operating system.
Function DosGetDateTime (pdatetime: PDATETIME): USHORT; { date/time structure (returned) }
{** DosSetDateTime - Set current date and time
* Used to set the date and time that are maintained by the operating
* system.
Function DosSetDateTime (pdatetime: PDATETIME): USHORT; { date/time structure }
{** DosTimerAsync - Start asynchronous time delay
* Starts a timer that runs asynchronously to the thread issuing the
* request and clears a sytem semaphore when the specified interval
* expires.
Function DosTimerAsync (ulTime: ULONG; { time (in milliseconds) before }{ semaphore is cleared }
hsem: HSEM; { system semaphore handle }
phtimer: PHTIMER): USHORT; { timer handle (returned) }
{** DosTimerStart - Start periodic interval timer
* Starts a periodic interval timer that runs asynchronously to the thread
* issuing the request.
Function DosTimerStart (ulTime: ULONG; { time (in milliseconds) before }{ semaphore is cleared }
hsem: HSEM; { system semaphore handle }
phtimer: PHTIMER): USHORT; { timer handle (returned) }
{** DosTimerStop - Stop interval timer
* Stops a periodic interval timer started by DosTimerStart, or an
* asynchronous timer started by DosTimerAsync.
Function DosTimerStop (htimer: HTIMER): USHORT; { handle of the timer }
{** Module manager }
{** DosLoadModule - Load dynamic link module
* Loads a dynamic link module and returns a handle for the module.
Function DosLoadModule (pszFailName: PSZ; { object name buffer }
cbFileName: USHORT; { length of object name buffer }
pszModName: PSZ; { dynamic link module name string }
hmod: PHMODULE): USHORT; { module handle (returned) }
{** DosFreeModule - Free dynamic link module
* Frees the reference to a dynamic link module for a process. When the
* dynamic link module is no longer needed by any process, the module is
* freed from system memory.
Function DosFreeModule (hmod: HMODULE): USHORT; { module handle }
{** DosGetProcAddr - Get dynamic link procedure address
* Returns a far address to a desired procedure within a dynamic link
* module.
Function DosGetProcAddr (hmod: HMODULE; { handle of module where procedure is located }
pszProcName: PSZ; { name of module where procedure is located }
Var ppfnProcAddr: pFn): USHORT; { procedure address (returned) }
{** DosGetModHandle - Get dynamic link module handle
* Returns a handle to a previously loaded dynamic link module.
Function DosGetModHandle (pszModName: PSZ; { dynamic link module name }
phmod: PHMODULE): USHORT; { module handle (returned) }
{** DosGetModName - Get dynamic link module name
* Returns the fully qualified drive, path, filename, and extension
* associated with a referenced module handle.
Function DosGetModName (hmod: HMODULE; { module handle }
cbBuf: USHORT; { max length of buffer where name is stored }
pchBuf: PCHAR): USHORT; { buffer (returned) where info is stored }
{** Resource support }
{ Predefined resource types }
RT_POINTER = 1; { mouse pointer shape }
RT_BITMAP = 2; { bitmap }
RT_MENU = 3; { menu template }
RT_DIALOG = 4; { dialog template }
RT_STRING = 5; { string tables }
RT_FONTDIR = 6; { font directory }
RT_FONT = 7; { font }
RT_ACCELTABLE = 8; { accelerator tables }
RT_RCDATA = 9; { binary data }
RT_MESSAGE = 10; { error msg tables }
RT_DLGINCLUDE = 11; { dialog include file name }
RT_VKEYTBL = 12; { key to vkey tables }
RT_KEYTBL = 13; { key to UGL tables }
RT_CHARTBL = 14; { glyph to character tables }
RT_DISPLAYINFO = 15; { screen display information }
RT_FKASHORT = 16; { function key area short form }
RT_FKALONG = 17; { function key area long form }
RT_HELPTABLE = 18; { Help table for IPFC }
RT_HELPSUBTABLE = 19; { Help subtable for IPFC }
RT_FDDIR = 20; { DBCS uniq/font driver directory }
RT_FD = 21; { DBCS uniq/font driver }
RT_MAX = 22; { 1st unused Resource Type }
{** DosGetResource - Get resource segment selector
* Returns the segment selector of the specified resource segment.
Function DosGetResource (hmod: HMODULE; { module handle }
idType, { resource type ID }
idName: USHORT; { resource name ID }
psel: PSEL): USHORT; { resource selector (returned) }
{** DosGetResource2 - Get resource far pointer
* Returns a far pointer to the specified resource data.
Function DosGetResource2 (hmod: HMODULE; { module handle }
idType, { resource type ID }
idName: USHORT; { resource name ID }
Var ppData: Pointer): USHORT; { resource far pointer (returned) }
{** DosFreeResource - Free Resource
* Deallocates memory of a resource.
Function DosFreeResource (pData: PVOID): USHORT; { resource pointer }
{** NLS Support }
{** _COUNTRYCODE is used by DOSGETCTRYINFO to store
* the country code and code page
country, { country code }
codepage: USHORT { code page }
{** _COUNTRYINFO is used by DOSGETCTRYINFO to store
* various country-dependent data items
country, { country code }
codepage, { code page }
fsDateFmt: USHORT; { date format }
szCurrency: Array[0..4] Of Char; { currency indicator }
szThousandsSeparator, { thousands separator }
szDecimal, { decimal separator }
szDateSeparator, { date separator }
szTimeSeparator: Array[0..1] Of Char; { time separator }
fsCurrencyFmt, { bit fields for currency format }
cDecimalPlace, { currency decimal places }
fsTimeFmt: UCHAR; { Time format (AM/PM or 24 hr) }
abReserved1: Array[0..1] Of USHORT; { reserved (0) }
szDataSeparator: Array[0..1] Of Char; { Data list separator }
abReserved2: Array[0..4] Of USHORT { reserved (0) }
{** DosGetCtryInfo - Get country information
* Obtains contry dependent formatting information that resides in the
* country information file.
Function DosGetCtryInfo (cbBuf: USHORT; { length of data area provided }
pctryc: PCOUNTRYCODE; { input data structure }
pctryi: PCOUNTRYINFO; { data area to be filled by the function }
pcbCtryInfo: PUSHORT): USHORT; { length of data (returned) }
{** DosGetDBCSEv - Get DBCS environmental vector
* Obtains a DBCS
* resides in the country information file
Function DosGetDBCSEv (cbBuf: USHORT; { length of data area provided }
pctryc: PCOUNTRYCODE; { input data structure }
pchBuf: PCHAR): USHORT; { data area to contain the information }
{** DosCaseMap - Perform case mapping
* Performs case mapping on a string of binary values that represent ASCII
* characters.
Function DosCaseMap (usLen: USHORT; { length of string to case map }
pctryc: PCOUNTRYCODE; { input data structure }
pchStr: PCHAR): USHORT; { address of string to be case mapped }
{** DosGetCollate - Get collate table
* Obtains a collating sequence table
* resides in the country information file. It is used by the SORT utility
* to sort text according to the collating sequence.
Function DosGetCollate (usLen: USHORT; { length of data area provided }
pctryc: PCOUNTRYCODE; { input data structure }
pchBuf: PCHAR; { data area to contain the collate table }
pcbTable: PUSHORT): USHORT; { length of table (returned) }
{** DosGetCp - Get process code page
* Allows a process to query the current process code page and the prepared
* system code pages.
Function DosGetCp (cbBuf: USHORT; { length of CodePageList in bytes }
pBuf, { CodePageList (returned) }
pcbCodePgLst: PUSHORT): USHORT; { length of returned list }
{** DosSetCp - Set code page
* Allows a process to set its code page and the session's display code
* page and keyboard code page.
Function DosSetCp (usCodePage, { code page identifier }
usReserved: USHORT): USHORT; { reserved (must be set to 0) }
{** DosSetProcCp - Set process code page
* Allows a process to set it's own code page.
Function DosSetProcCp (usCodePage, { Code page identifier word }
usReserved: USHORT): USHORT; { Reserved (must be set to 0) }
{** Signal support }
{ Signal Numbers for DosSetSigHandler }
SIG_CTRLC = 1; { Control C }
SIG_BROKENPIPE = 2; { Broken Pipe }
SIG_KILLPROCESS = 3; { Program Termination }
SIG_CTRLBREAK = 4; { Control Break }
SIG_PFLG_A = 5; { Process Flag A }
SIG_PFLG_B = 6; { Process Flag B }
SIG_PFLG_C = 7; { Process Flag C }
SIG_CSIGNALS = 8; { number of signals plus one }
{ Flag Numbers for DosFlagProcess }
PFLG_A = 0; { Process Flag A }
PFLG_B = 1; { Process Flag B }
PFLG_C = 2; { Process Flag C }
{ Signal actions }
{ DosHoldSignal constants }
{ DosFlagProcess codes }
pFnSigHandler = Procedure (a,b: UShort);
{** DosSetSigHandler - Handle Signal
* Notifies OS/2 of a handler for a signal. It may also be used
* to ignore a signal or install a default action for a signal.
Function DosSetSigHandler (pfnSigHandler: PFNSIGHANDLER; { Signal handler address }
Var ppfnPrev: PFNSIGHANDLER; { Address of previous handler }
pfAction: PUSHORT; { Address of previous action }
fAction, { Indicate request type }
usSigNum: USHORT): USHORT; { Signal number }
{** DosFlagProcess - Issue signal
* Used to send a signal event to an arbitrary process or
* command subtree.
Function DosFlagProcess (pid: PID; { Process ID to signal }
fScope, { 0=notify entire subtree, 1=notify }{ only the indicated process }
usFlagNum, { Flag number }
usFlagArg: USHORT): USHORT; { Flag argument }
{** DosHoldSignal - Disable / Enable signals
* Used to termporarily disable or enable signal processing
* for the current process.
Function DosHoldSignal (fDisable: USHORT): USHORT; { 0=enable signal, 1=disable signal }
{** DosSendSignal - Send Signal to Command Subtree Process Handler
* Used to send a signal to last process
* that has a handler installed
Function DosSendSignal (idProcess, { process ID of the root process }{ of the subtree }
usSigNumber: USHORT): USHORT; { signal number to send }
{** Monitor support }
{** DosMonOpen - Open connection to device monitor
* Gains access to a character device data stream.
Function DosMonOpen (pszDevName: PSZ; { Device name string (returned) }
phmon: PHMONITOR): USHORT; { Monitor handle (returned) }
{** DosMonClose - Close connection to device monitor
* Terminates character device monitoring. All monitor buffers associated
* with this process are flushed and closed.
Function DosMonClose (hmon: HMONITOR): USHORT; { handle from previous DosMonOpen }
{** DosMonReg - Register set of buffers as monitor
* Establishes an input and output buffer structure to monitor an I/O
* stream for a character device.
Function DosMonReg (hmon: HMONITOR; { handle from DosMonOpen }
pbInBuf, { input buffer }
pbOutBuf: PBYTE; { output buffer }
fPosition, { position preference flag }
usIndex: USHORT): USHORT; { index of data stream for the }
{ device being monitered }
{** DosMonRead - Read input from monitor structure
* Waits for and moves a data recorrd from the input buffer of a registered
* character device monitor and places it in a private data area where the
* monitor can freely access it.
Function DosMonRead (pbInBuf: PBYTE; { monitor input buffer }
fWait: UCHAR; { block/run indicator }
pbDataBuf: PBYTE; { buffer into which records are read }
pcbData: PUSHORT): USHORT; { length of the data buffer/number }
{ of bytes moved }
{** DosMonWrite - Write output to monitor structure
* Moves a filtered data record from the monitor's private data area into
* the monitor's output buffer.
Function DosMonWrite (pbOutBuf, { monitor output buffer }
pbDataBuf: PBYTE; { buffer from which records are taken }
cbData: USHORT): USHORT; { number of bytes in the data record }
{** Pipe and queue support }
{** DosMakePipe - Create a Pipe }
Function DosMakePipe (phfRead, { Addr to place the read handle }
phfWrite: PHFILE; { Addr to place the write handle }
cb: USHORT): USHORT; { Size to reserve for the pipe }
{** DosCloseQueue - Close a Queue
* close a queue which is in use by the requesting process
Function DosCloseQueue (hqueue: HQUEUE): USHORT; { queue handle }
{** DosCreateQueue - Create a Queue
* creates a queue to be owned by the requesting process
Function DosCreateQueue (phqueue: PHQUEUE; { read/write handle of queue }
fQueueOrder: USHORT; { 0=FIFO queue, 1=LIFO queue, }{ 2=Priority queue }
pszQueueName: PSZ): USHORT; { name of the queue }
{** DosOpenQueue - Open a Queue
* opens a queue for the current process
Function DosOpenQueue (ppidOwner: PUSHORT; { PID of queue owner }
phqueue: PHQUEUE; { queue handle }
pszQueueName: PSZ): USHORT; { queue name }
{** DosPeekQueue - Peek at a Queue
* retrieves an element from a queue without removing it from the queue
Function DosPeekQueue (hqueue: HQUEUE; { queue handle }
pqresc: PULONG; { pointer to request }
pcbElement: PUSHORT; { length of datum returned }
ppBuf: PULONG; { pointer to address of datum }
pElemCode: PUSHORT; { indicator of datum returned }
fwait: UCHAR; { wait indicator for empty queue }
pbElemPrty: PBYTE; { priority of element }
hsem: ULONG): USHORT; { semaphore handle }
{** DosPurgeQueue - Purge a Queue
* purges all elements from a queue
Function DosPurgeQueue (hqueue: HQUEUE): USHORT; { queue handle }
{** DosQueryQueue - Query size of a Queue
* returns the number of elements in a queue
Function DosQueryQueue (hqueue: HQUEUE; { queue handle }
pcElem: PUSHORT): USHORT; { pointer for number of elements }
{** DosReadQueue - Read from a Queue
* retrieves an element from a queue
Function DosReadQueue (hqueue: HQUEUE; { queue handle }
pqresc: PULONG; { pointer to request }
pcbElem: PUSHORT; { length of datum returned }
ppBuf: PULONG; { pointer to address of datum }
usElem: USHORT; { indicator of datum returned }
fWait: UCHAR; { wait indicator for empty queue }
pbElemPrty: PBYTE; { priority of element }
hsem: HSEM): USHORT; { semaphore handle }
{** DosWriteQueue - Write to a Queue
* adds an element to a queue
Function DosWriteQueue (hqueue: HQUEUE; { queue handle }
usRequest, { request }
cbBuf: USHORT; { length of datum }
pBuf: PBYTE; { address of datum }
fPriority: UCHAR): USHORT; { priority of element }
{** DosError - Enable hard error processing
* Allows a process to disable user notification
* and program exceptions.
Function DosError (fEnable: USHORT): USHORT; { action flag (bit field) }
{** DosSetVec - Establish handler for exception vector
* Allows a process to register an address to be used when a machine
* exception occurs.
Function DosSetVec (usVecNum: USHORT; { number of the vector to be }{ serviced by this routine }
pfnFun, { handler routine }
ppfnPrev: PFN): USHORT; { previous handler address (returned) }
{** DosGetMessage - System message with variable text
* Retrieves a message from a message file and inserts variable information
* into the body of the message.
Function DosGetMessage (Var ppchVTable: pChar; { table of variables to insert }
usVCount: USHORT; { number of variables }
pchBuf: PCHAR; { data area (where message is returned) }
cbBuf, { length of data area }
usMsgNum: USHORT; { number of the message requested }
pszFileName: PSZ; { message path and file name }
pcbMsg: PUSHORT): USHORT; { length of message (returned) }
{** DosErrClass - Classify error codes
* Helps OS/2 applications respnd to error codes
* from the OS/2 API.
Function DosErrClass (usErrCode: USHORT; { error code for analysis }
pusClass, { error classification (returned) }
pfsAction, { recommended action (returned) }
pusLocus: PUSHORT): USHORT; { origin of the error (returned) }
{** DosInsMessage - Insert variable text strings in message
* Inserts variable text string information into the body of a message.
* This is useful when messages are loaded before insertion text strings
* are known.
Function DosInsMessage (Var ppchVTable: pChar; { table of variables to insert }
usVCount: USHORT; { number of variables }
pszMsg: PSZ; { address of input message }
cbMsg: USHORT; { length of input message }
pchBuf: PCHAR; { data area address to return }{ message to }
cbBuf: USHORT; { length of data area (returned) }
pcbMsg: PUSHORT): USHORT; { length of updated messsage }
{** DosPutMessage - Output message text to indicated handle
* Outputs the message in a buffer passed by a caller to the specified
* handle. The function formats the buffer to prevent words from wrapping
* if displayed to a screen.
Function DosPutMessage (hf, { handle of output file/device }
cbMsg: USHORT; { length of message }
pchMsg: PCHAR): USHORT; { message buffer that contains the }
{ message to be output }
{** DosPtrace - Interface for program debugging
* Provides an interface into the OS/2 kernel to facilitate program
* debugging.
Function DosPtrace (pPtraceBuf: PBYTE): USHORT; { Ptrace buffer }
{ definition for DOSQSYSINFO }
Q_MAX_PATH_LENGTH = (0); { index for query max path length }
{** DosQSysInfo - query system constants
* Returns system constants like the maximum path name length.
Function DosQSysInfo (index: USHORT; { Index of constant requested }
pBuf: PBYTE; { Pointer to return buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT): USHORT; { return buffer size }
{** DosGetEnv - Get address of process environment string
* Returns the address of the process environment string for the current
* process.
Function DosGetEnv (pselEnv, { selector for the environment }{ segment (returned) }
pOffsetCmd: PUSHORT): USHORT; { command line offset (returned) }
{** DosScanEnv - Scan an environment segment
* Scans
Function DosScanEnv (pszVarName: PSZ; { environment variable name }
Var ppszResult: PSZ): USHORT; { search result pointer (returned) }
{** DosSearchPath - Search path for file name
* Provides a general path search mechanism which allows applications to
* find files residing along paths. The path string may come from the
* process environment, or be supplied directly by the caller.
Function DosSearchPath (fsSearch: USHORT; { function control vector }
pszPath, { search path reference }
pszFName: PSZ; { file name }
pBuf: PBYTE; { search result buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT): USHORT; { search result buffer length }
{** DosGetVersion - Get OS/2 version number }
Function DosGetVersion (pVer: PUSHORT): USHORT; { version number (returned) }
{** DosGetMachineMode - Return current mode of processor
* Returns the current mode of the processor, whether the processor is
* running in the DOS mode or the OS/2 mode. This allows an application to
* determine whether a dynamic link call is valid or not.
Function DosGetMachineMode (pMachMode: PBYTE): USHORT; { current processor mode (returned) }
{** Session manager support }
{ DOSSTARTSESSION data structure definition }
Length, { length of data structure in bytes }
Related, { 0 = independent session, 1 = child session }
FgBg, { 0 = start in foreground, 1 = start in background }
TraceOpt: USHORT; { 0 = no trace, 1 = trace }
PgmTitle, { address of program title }
PgmName: PSZ; { address of program name }
PgmInputs, { input arguments }
TermQ, { address of program queue name }
Environment: PBYTE; { environment string }
InheritOpt, { where are handles and environment inherited from }
{ 0 = inherit from shell , 1 = inherit from caller }
SessionType: USHORT; { session type }
IconFile: PSZ; { address of icon definition }
PgmHandle: ULONG; { program handle }
PgmControl, { initial state of windowed application }
InitXPos, { x coordinate of initial session window }
InitYPos, { y coordinate of initial session window }
InitXSize, { initial size of x }
InitYSize: USHORT { initial size of y }
{ DOSSETSESSION data structure definition }
Length, { length of this data structure }
SelectInd, { 0=leave setting unchanged, 1=selectable }{ 2=non-selectable }
BondInd: USHORT { which session to bring to foreground }
{ DOSSMREGISTERDD data structure definition }
Length, { length of this data structure }
NotifType: USHORT; { type of notification }
DDName: PCHAR { device driver name }
{** DosStartSession - Start session
* Provides an application program interface to start another session and
* specify the name of the program to start in the session.
Function DosStartSession (pstdata: PSTARTDATA; { start session data structure }
pidSession, { session ID (returned) }
ppid: PUSHORT): USHORT; { process ID (returned) }
{** DosSetSession - Set session status
* Sets the status of a child session.
Function DosSetSession (idSession: USHORT; { session ID }
pstsdata: PSTATUSDATA): USHORT; { session status data structure }
{** DosSelectSession - Select foreground session
* Allows a parent session to switch one of its child sessions to the
* foreground
Function DosSelectSession (idSession: USHORT; { session ID }
usReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosStopSession - Stop session
* Terminates a session previously started with DosStartSession.
Function DosStopSession (fScope, { target option }
isSession: USHORT; { session ID }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { reserved (must be 0) }
{** DosSmRegisterDD - Register device driver
* Allows a device driver to receive session switch notification.
Function DosSmRegisterDD (pregdata: PREGISTERDATA): USHORT; { register data structure }
{** DosQAppType - Return the application type of an executable file }
Function DosQAppType (pszPrgName: PSZ; { file name of executable file }
pusType: PUSHORT): USHORT; { application type }
{** Device support }
{** DosDevConfig - Get device configuration
* Gets information about attached devices.
Function DosDevConfig (pDevInfo: PVOID; { returned information }
usItem, { what device information is needed }
usReserved: USHORT): USHORT; { reserved, should be set to 0 }
{** DosDevIOCtl - I/O control for devices
* Performs control functions on a device specified by an opened device
* handle.
Function DosDevIOCtl (pData, { data area }
pParms: PVOID; { command specific argument list }
usFun, { device specific function code }
usCategory: USHORT; { device category }
hDev: HFILE): USHORT; { device handle }
{** DosDevIOCtl2 - Perform Control Functions Directly On Device, with lengths
* Control functions on the device specified by the opened
* handle
Function DosDevIOCtl2 (pData: PVOID; { Data area }
cbData: USHORT; { Length of data area }
pParm: PVOID; { Command-specific argument list }
cbParm, { Length of argument list }
usFun, { Device-specific function code }
usCategory: USHORT; { Device category }
hDev: HFILE): USHORT; { Device handle returned by Open }
{** DosCLIAccess - Request CLI/STI privilege
* Requests I/O privilege for disabling and enabling interrupts. Access to
* ports must be granted via DosPortAccess.
Function DosCLIAccess: USHORT;
{** DosPortAccess - Request port access
* Requests or releases access to ports for I/O privilege.
Function DosPortAccess (usReserved, { reserved (must be set to 0) }
fRelease, { 0=request access, 1=release access }
usFirstPort, { first port number }
usLastPort: USHORT): USHORT; { last port number }
{** DosPhysicalDisk - Partitionable disk support
* Obtains information on partitionable disks.
Function DosPhysicalDisk (usFun: USHORT; { type of information to obtain }
pOut: PBYTE; { pointer to return buffer }
cbOut: USHORT; { return buffer length }
pParm: PBYTE; { pointer to user-supplied information }
cbParm: USHORT): USHORT; { length of user-supplied information }
{** DosR2StackRealloc - Reallocate ring 2 stack
* Changes the size of a thread's ring 2 stack
Function DosR2StackRealloc (cbStack: USHORT): USHORT; { ring 2 stack's new size in bytes }
{** DosCallback Ring 2 call to ring 3 routine
* Provided so a Ring 2 IOPL segment can call a Ring 3 allocation segment.
Procedure DosCallback (pfn: PFN); { Address of the ring 3 routine }
{ to be called }
AVAILDATA = Record { PeekNMPipe Bytes Available record }
cbpipe, { bytes left in the pipe }
cbmessage: USHORT { bytes left in current message }
{** DosCallNmPipe - Procedure call transaction
* Performs a procedure call transaction using a message pipe.
Function DosCallNmPipe (pszName: PSZ; { Name of the pipe to be opened }
pInBuf: PBYTE; { Address of the buffer to write to the pipe }
cbInBuf: USHORT; { Number of bytes to be written }
pbOutBuf: PBYTE; { Address of the buffer for returned data }
cbOutBuf: USHORT; { Maximum size (in bytes) of returned data }
pcbRead: PUSHORT; { Number of bytes actually read (returned) }
ulTimeOut: ULONG): USHORT; { Maximum wait time }
{** DosConnectNmPipe - Connect named pipe
* Enables a new client to obtain handle-based access to a named pipe
* through DosOpen.
Function DosConnectNmPipe (hp: HPIPE): USHORT; { Pipe Handle }
{** DosDisConnectNmPipe - Disconnect named pipe
* Forces a named pipe to close.
Function DosDisConnectNmPipe (hp: HPIPE): USHORT; { Pipe Handle }
{** DosMakeNmPipe - Create a named pipe
* Creates the specified named pipe and returns its handle.
Function DosMakeNmPipe (pszName: PSZ; { Pipe Name }
php: PHPIPE; { Returned pipe handle }
fsOpenMode, { DOS open mode of pipe }
fsPipeMode, { Pipe open mode }
cbOutBuf, { Advisory outgoing buffer size }
cbInBuf: USHORT; { Advisory incoming buffer size }
ulTimeOut: ULONG): USHORT; { Timeout for DosWaitNmPipe }
{** DosPeekNmPipe - Peek named pipe
* Reads pipe without removing the read data from the pipe
Function DosPeekNmPipe (hp: HPIPE; { Pipe handle }
pBuf: PBYTE; { Address of user buffer }
cbBuf: USHORT; { Buffer length }
pcbRead: PUSHORT; { Bytes read }
pAvail: PAVAILDATA; { Bytes available }
pfsState: PUSHORT): USHORT; { Pipe state }
{** DosQNmPHandState - Query named pipe state
* Returns information for a named pipe's specific handle state.
Function DosQNmPHandState (hp: HPIPE; { Pipe handle }
pfsState: PUSHORT): USHORT; { Pipe handle state }
{** DosQNmPipeInfo - Query named pipe info
* Returns information for a named pipe
Function DosQNmPipeInfo (hp: HPIPE; { Pipe handle }
usInfoLevel: USHORT; { Pipe data required }
pBuf: PBYTE; { Pipe data buffer }
cb: USHORT): USHORT; { Pipe data buffer size }
{** DosQNmPipeSemState - Query named pipe operations
* Returns information about named pipes attached to a specific system
* semaphore
Function DosQNmPipeSemState (hsem: HSEM; { Semaphore handle }
pBuf: PBYTE; { Address of returned info }
cb: USHORT): USHORT; { Length of InfoBuff }
{** DosSetNmPHandState - Set named pipe handle state
* Returns information about named pipes specific handle state.
Function DosSetNmPHandState (hp: HPIPE; { Pipe handle }
fsState: USHORT): USHORT; { Pipe handle state }
Function DosSetNmPipeSem (hp: HPIPE; { File handle }
hsem: HSEM; { Semaphore handle }
usKeyVal: USHORT): USHORT; { Key }
{** DosTransactNmPipe - Perform transaction
* Performs a transaction, write followed by a read, on a message pipe.
Function DosTransactNmPipe (hp: HPIPE; { Pipe handle }
pOutBuf: PBYTE; { Write buffer address }
cbOut: USHORT; { Write buffer length }
pInBuf: PBYTE; { Read buffer address }
cbIn: USHORT; { Read buffer length }
pcbRead: PUSHORT): USHORT; { Bytes read (returned) }
{** DosWaitNmPipe - Wait named pipe instance
* Waits for the availability of a named pipe instance.
Function DosWaitNmPipe (pszName: PSZ; { Pipe name }
ulTimeOut: ULONG): USHORT; { Maximum wait time }
{** Data structures and equates used with named pipes **}
npi_data1: Record { PipeInfo data block (returned, level 1) }
npi_obuflen, { length of outgoing I/O buffer }
npi_ibuflen: USHORT; { length of incoming I/O buffer }
npi_maxicnt, { maximum number of instances }
npi_curicnt, { current number of instances }
npi_namlen: UCHAR; { length of pipe name }
npi_name: Array[0..0] Of Char { start of name }
npss: Record { QNmPipeSemState information record }
npss_status, { type of record, 0=EOI, 1=read ok, }{ 2 = write ok, 3 = pipe closed }
npss_flag: UCHAR; { additional info, 01=waiting thread }
npss_key, { user's key value }
npss_avail: USHORT { available data/space if status=1/2 }
{ values in npss_status }
NPSS_EOI = 0; { End Of Information }
NPSS_RDATA = 1; { read data available }
NPSS_WSPACE = 2; { write space available }
NPSS_CLOSE = 3; { pipe in CLOSING state }
{ values in npss_flag }
NPSS_WAIT = $01; { waiting thread on other end of pipe }
{ defined bits in pipe mode }
NP_NBLK = $8000; { non-blocking read/write }
NP_SERVER = $4000; { set if server end }
NP_WMESG = $0400; { write messages }
NP_RMESG = $0100; { read as messages }
NP_ICOUNT = $00FF; { instance count field }
{ Named pipes may be in one of several states depending on the actions
* that have been taken on it by the server end and client end. The
* following state/action table summarizes the valid state transitions:
* Current state Action Next state
* <none> server DosMakeNmPipe DISCONNECTED
* CONNECTED client close CLOSING
* CONNECTED server close CLOSING
* <any other> server close <pipe deallocated>
* If a server disconnects his end of the pipe, the client end will enter a
* special state in which any future operations
* descriptor associated with the pipe will return an error.
* Values for named pipe state
NP_DISCONNECTED = 1; { after pipe creation or Disconnect }
NP_LISTENING = 2; { after DosNmPipeConnect }
NP_CONNECTED = 3; { after Client open }
NP_CLOSING = 4; { after Client or Server close }
{** DosPFSActivate - Activate font
* Specifies the code page and font to make active for the specified printer
* and Process ID
Function DosPFSActivate (hspl: PVOID; { Temporary spool file handle }
pfnAct: PULONG; { Number of bytes written (returned) }
pszPName: PSZ; { Printer name string }
usCodePage, { Code page to make active }
usFontId, { Font ID to make active }
usSFN: USHORT; { System file number }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved, set to 0 }
{** DosPFSCloseUser - Close Font User Interface
* Indicates to the Font Switcher that the specified process has closed its
* spool file. The font Switcher may then free any resources being used to
* track code page and font switching for a process.
Function DosPFSCloseUser (pszPName: PSZ; { Printer name string }
usSFN: USHORT; { System file number }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved, set to 0 }
{** DosPFSInit - Initialize code page and fpnt
* Allows the FontSwitcher ti initialize code page and font switching for a
* specified printer.
Function DosPFSInit (pusHdw: PUSHORT; { Hdw font definition list }
pszFontPath, { File pathname of the font }{ file to use }
pszPType, { Printer type string }
pszPName: PSZ; { Printer name string }
usSpool: USHORT; { Number of spool instances }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved }
{** DosPFSQueryAct - Query active font
* Queries the active code page and font for the specified printer and
* Process ID.
Function DosPFSQueryAct (pszPname: PSZ; { Printer name string }
pusCodePage, { Code page return }
pusFontId: PUSHORT; { Font ID return }
usSFN: USHORT; { System file number }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved, set to 0 }
{** DosPFSVerifyFont - Verify font
* Indicates whether the specified code page and font within that code page
* are available in the font file for the specified printer.
Function DosPFSVerifyFont (pszPName: PSZ; { Printer name string }
usCodePage, { Code page to validate }
usFontId: USHORT; { Font ID to validate }
ulReserved: ULONG): USHORT; { Reserved, set to 0 }
{** DosPFS API Support }
{** DosProfile API support }
{ DosProfile ordinal number }
{ DosProfile usType }
{ DosProfile usFunc }
PROF_ON = 2;
{ DosProfile tic count granularity}
{ DosProfile module name string length }
{ DosProfile error code for end of data }
Function DosAllocHuge; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 40;
Function DosAllocSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 34;
Function DosAllocShrSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 35;
Function DosBeep; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 50;
Function DosBufReset; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 56;
Function DosCLIAccess; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 51;
Function DosCallNmPipe; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 10;
Procedure DosCallback; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 157;
Function DosCaseMap; External 'NLS' Index 1;
Function DosChDir; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 57;
Function DosChgFilePtr; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 58;
Function DosClose; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 59;
Function DosCloseQueue; External 'QUECALLS' Index 3;
Function DosCloseSem; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 23;
Function DosConnectNmPipe; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 3;
Function DosCopy; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 201;
Function DosCreateCSAlias; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 43;
Function DosCreateQueue; External 'QUECALLS' Index 8;
Function DosCreateSem; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 24;
Function DosCreateThread; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 145;
Function DosCwait; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 2;
Function DosDelete; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 60;
Function DosDevConfig; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 52;
Function DosDevIOCtl; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 53;
Function DosDevIOCtl2; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 99;
Function DosDisConnectNmPipe; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 4;
Function DosDupHandle; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 61;
Function DosEditName; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 191;
Function DosEnterCritSec; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 3;
Function DosEnumAttribute; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 204;
Function DosErrClass; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 139;
Function DosError; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 120;
Function DosExecPgm; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 144;
Procedure DosExit; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 5;
Function DosExitCritSec; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 6;
Function DosExitList; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 7;
Function DosFSAttach; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 181;
Function DosFSCtl; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 183;
Function DosFSRamSemClear; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 162;
Function DosFSRamSemRequest; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 161;
Function DosFileIO; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 186;
Function DosFileLocks; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 62;
Function DosFindClose; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 63;
Function DosFindFirst; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 64;
Function DosFindFirst2; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 184;
Function DosFindNext; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 65;
Function DosFindNotifyClose; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 187;
Function DosFindNotifyFirst; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 188;
Function DosFindNotifyNext; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 189;
Function DosFlagProcess; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 15;
Function DosFreeModule; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 46;
Function DosFreeResource; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 208;
Function DosFreeSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 39;
Function DosGetCollate; External 'NLS' Index 2;
Function DosGetCp; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 130;
Function DosGetCtryInfo; External 'NLS' Index 3;
Function DosGetDBCSEv; External 'NLS' Index 4;
Function DosGetDateTime; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 33;
Function DosGetEnv; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 91;
Function DosGetHugeShift; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 41;
Function DosGetInfoSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 8;
Function DosGetMachineMode; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 49;
Function DosGetMessage; Begin {IndexNotFound('DosGetMessage')} End;
Function DosGetModHandle; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 47;
Function DosGetModName; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 48;
Function DosGetPID; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 94;
Function DosGetPPID; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 156;
Function DosGetProcAddr; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 45;
Function DosGetPrty; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 9;
Function DosGetResource; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 155;
Function DosGetResource2; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 207;
Function DosGetSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 121;
Function DosGetShrSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 36;
Function DosGetVersion; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 92;
Function DosGiveSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 37;
Function DosHoldSignal; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 13;
Function DosInsMessage; External 'MSG' Index 3;
Function DosKillProcess; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 10;
Function DosLoadModule; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 44;
Function DosLockSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 122;
Function DosMakeNmPipe; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 1;
Function DosMakePipe; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 16;
Function DosMemAvail; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 127;
Function DosMkDir; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 66;
Function DosMkDir2; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 185;
Function DosMonClose; External 'MONCALLS' Index 3;
Function DosMonOpen; External 'MONCALLS' Index 4;
Function DosMonRead; External 'MONCALLS' Index 2;
Function DosMonReg; External 'MONCALLS' Index 5;
Function DosMonWrite; External 'MONCALLS' Index 1;
Function DosMove; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 67;
Function DosMuxSemWait; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 22;
Function DosNewSize; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 68;
Function DosOpen; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 70;
Function DosOpen2; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 95;
Function DosOpenQueue; External 'QUECALLS' Index 7;
Function DosOpenSem; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 25;
Function DosPFSActivate; External 'SPOOLCP' Index 4;
Function DosPFSCloseUser; External 'SPOOLCP' Index 1;
Function DosPFSInit; External 'SPOOLCP' Index 3;
Function DosPFSQueryAct; External 'SPOOLCP' Index 2;
Function DosPFSVerifyFont; External 'SPOOLCP' Index 5;
Function DosPeekNmPipe; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 7;
Function DosPeekQueue; External 'QUECALLS' Index 5;
Function DosPhysicalDisk; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 129;
Function DosPortAccess; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 69;
Function DosPtrace; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 12;
Function DosPurgeQueue; External 'QUECALLS' Index 2;
Function DosPutMessage; External 'MSG' Index 1;
Function DosQAppType; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 163;
Function DosQCurDir; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 71;
Function DosQCurDisk; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 72;
Function DosQFHandState; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 73;
Function DosQFSAttach; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 182;
Function DosQFSInfo; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 76;
Function DosQFileInfo; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 74;
Function DosQFileMode; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 75;
Function DosQHandType; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 77;
Function DosQNmPHandState; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 5;
Function DosQNmPipeInfo; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 2;
Function DosQNmPipeSemState; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 14;
Function DosQPathInfo; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 98;
Function DosQSysInfo; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 166;
Function DosQVerify; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 78;
Function DosQueryQueue; External 'QUECALLS' Index 4;
Function DosR2StackRealloc; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 160;
Function DosRead; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 137;
Function DosReadAsync; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 149;
Function DosReadQueue; External 'QUECALLS' Index 1;
Function DosReallocHuge; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 42;
Function DosReallocSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 38;
Function DosResumeThread; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 26;
Function DosRmDir; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 80;
Function DosScanEnv; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 152;
Function DosSearchPath; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 151;
Function DosSelectDisk; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 81;
Function DosSelectSession; External 'SESMGR' Index 9;
Function DosSemClear; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 141;
Function DosSemRequest; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 140;
Function DosSemSet; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 143;
Function DosSemSetWait; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 20;
Function DosSemWait; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 142;
Function DosSendSignal; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 134;
Function DosSetCp; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 153;
Function DosSetDateTime; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 28;
Function DosSetFHandState; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 82;
Function DosSetFSInfo; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 97;
Function DosSetFileInfo; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 83;
Function DosSetFileMode; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 84;
Function DosSetMaxFH; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 85;
Function DosSetNmPHandState; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 6;
Function DosSetNmPipeSem; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 13;
Function DosSetPathInfo; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 104;
Function DosSetProcCp; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 164;
Function DosSetPrty; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 11;
Function DosSetSession; External 'SESMGR' Index 14;
Function DosSetSigHandler; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 14;
Function DosSetVec; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 89;
Function DosSetVerify; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 86;
Function DosShutdown; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 206;
Function DosSizeSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 126;
Function DosSleep; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 32;
Function DosSmRegisterDD; External 'SESMGR' Index 29;
Function DosStartSession; External 'SESMGR' Index 17;
Function DosStopSession; External 'SESMGR' Index 8;
Function DosSubAlloc; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 147;
Function DosSubFree; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 148;
Function DosSubSet; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 146;
Function DosSuspendThread; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 27;
Function DosTimerAsync; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 29;
Function DosTimerStart; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 30;
Function DosTimerStop; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 31;
Function DosTransactNmPipe; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 9;
Function DosUnlockSeg; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 123;
Function DosWaitNmPipe; External 'NAMPIPES' Index 8;
Function DosWrite; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 138;
Function DosWriteAsync; External 'DOSCALLS' Index 150;
Function DosWriteQueue; External 'QUECALLS' Index 6;
WriteLn('Verify BseDos');
veri('AVAILDATA ',sizeof(AVAILDATA ));
veri('DATETIME ',sizeof(DATETIME ));
veri('DENA1 ',sizeof(DENA1 ));
veri('DOSFSRSEM ',sizeof(DOSFSRSEM ));
veri('EAOP ',sizeof(EAOP ));
veri('FDATE ',sizeof(FDATE ));
veri('FEA ',sizeof(FEA ));
veri('FEALIST ',sizeof(FEALIST ));
veri('FILEFINDBUF2 ',sizeof(FILEFINDBUF2 ));
veri('FILELOCK ',sizeof(FILELOCK ));
veri('FILESTATUS ',sizeof(FILESTATUS ));
veri('FILESTATUS2 ',sizeof(FILESTATUS2 ));
veri('FIOLOCKCMD ',sizeof(FIOLOCKCMD ));
veri('FIOLOCKREC ',sizeof(FIOLOCKREC ));
veri('FIOSEEKCMD ',sizeof(FIOSEEKCMD ));
veri('FSALLOCATE ',sizeof(FSALLOCATE ));
veri('FSINFO ',sizeof(FSINFO ));
veri('FSQBUFFER ',sizeof(FSQBUFFER ));
veri('FTIME ',sizeof(FTIME ));
veri('GEA ',sizeof(GEA ));
veri('GEALIST ',sizeof(GEALIST ));
veri('GINFOSEG ',sizeof(GINFOSEG ));
veri('LINFOSEG ',sizeof(LINFOSEG ));
veri('MUXSEM ',sizeof(MUXSEM ));
veri('MUXSEMLIST ',sizeof(MUXSEMLIST ));
veri('PIDINFO ',sizeof(PIDINFO ));
veri('STARTDATA ',sizeof(STARTDATA ));
veri('STATUSDATA ',sizeof(STATUSDATA ));
printf("Verify BseDos\n");
veri("AVAILDATA ",sizeof(AVAILDATA ));
veri("DATETIME ",sizeof(DATETIME ));
veri("DENA1 ",sizeof(DENA1 ));
veri("DOSFSRSEM ",sizeof(DOSFSRSEM ));
veri("EAOP ",sizeof(EAOP ));
veri("FDATE ",sizeof(FDATE ));
veri("FEA ",sizeof(FEA ));
veri("FEALIST ",sizeof(FEALIST ));
veri("FILEFINDBUF2 ",sizeof(FILEFINDBUF2 ));
veri("FILELOCK ",sizeof(FILELOCK ));
veri("FILESTATUS ",sizeof(FILESTATUS ));
veri("FILESTATUS2 ",sizeof(FILESTATUS2 ));
veri("FIOLOCKCMD ",sizeof(FIOLOCKCMD ));
veri("FIOLOCKREC ",sizeof(FIOLOCKREC ));
veri("FIOSEEKCMD ",sizeof(FIOSEEKCMD ));
veri("FSALLOCATE ",sizeof(FSALLOCATE ));
veri("FSINFO ",sizeof(FSINFO ));
veri("FSQBUFFER ",sizeof(FSQBUFFER ));
veri("FTIME ",sizeof(FTIME ));
veri("GEA ",sizeof(GEA ));
veri("GEALIST ",sizeof(GEALIST ));
veri("GINFOSEG ",sizeof(GINFOSEG ));
veri("LINFOSEG ",sizeof(LINFOSEG ));
veri("MUXSEM ",sizeof(MUXSEM ));
veri("MUXSEMLIST ",sizeof(MUXSEMLIST ));
veri("PIDINFO ",sizeof(PIDINFO ));
veri("STARTDATA ",sizeof(STARTDATA ));
veri("STATUSDATA ",sizeof(STATUSDATA ));